You're Paying Attention to the Wrong Numbers

Mar 14, 2022

If you want to be successful in business, focus on the quality of your content and the impact you can make on your community and not the number of followers on Instagram or YouTube.

Quality NOT quantity wins the long-game.

You’ve likely been told that in order to “make it big and be seen,” you’ve got to work 24-7, post multiple times a day, host a podcast, be on a Chamber board, etc.

I was told those things, and it wore me out in about 10 months. 

I was tired. I had no creative energy…

…and I was barely pulling in clients too.

When I started focusing on the quality of the content I was producing and putting out into the world, things started changing for my business.

Three things you can do to ensure you focus on quality - both content and client service.

  1. ā€‹ā€‹Content Pillars: What are the top 3-5 areas in your business and life that you can easily talk about regularly. For me, it’s marketing, branding, messaging, family, travel/wine. Your content can be delivered on social media, email and ads you place.
  2. Social Media Delivery: Which platform do you spend the most time on and is easy for you to stay consistent? You do NOT have to be on all platforms all the time. Pick one, be consistent with posting and engaging with your potential clients.
  3. Client Service: Make sure you’re reaching out to your clients regularly - answer questions, send them information that would be beneficial for their business, say hello!
  4. Metrics: Be sure to review your email marketing open rates and social media analytics weekly. 

For email marketing, you want to check open rates. Which emails landed better than others? Make a note of that and deliver content based on what your audience is opening.

For social media, you’re not only checking for likes, but you want to see which posts were SAVED and SHARED…and which posts had the best engagement with comments. These are the types of posts you’ll want to make sure you have in cue for the future.