Game Changing Conversations

Game Changing Conversations

Hosted by: Heather Lisle

Game changers have something most people don’t…highly effective communication skills that grow existing accounts, close new deals and allows them to work seamlessly with their team. Join Heather Lisle, your...

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Episode 57: Building the Life You Can’t Wait to Wake Up For Requires Bold Moves, with Erin Gerner / Founder, Powerhouse Lawyers

Building a life you can’t wait to wake up for…well, it’s a hard concept for many of us to fully embrace. It’s like…we want it (we want it bad!), but we don’t know how to get it and have it. It can sometimes feel...
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Episode 56: Stop the Scroll With Your LinkedIn Content, with special guest Kacy Maxwell

The difference between corporate marketing and personal branding and how you do it effectively - meaning your ideal client is going to stop the scroll and actually read what you have to say - it’s from the content you...
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Episode 55: Recognizing Your Communication Blind Spots

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Episode 54: How To Look Like You Own The Place, With Guest Elisa Ellis Of Turnkey Style

When it comes to how we show up online or in the face-to-face world, what we wear…it matters. Since 70-90% of communication is non-verbal, your clients and colleagues are making decisions about whether or not they...
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Episode 53: How To Have Your Own Brand As a Corporate Exec

I work with a lot of executives who work for big companies (and smaller ones too), and one thing that comes up often is not understanding how to build your personal brand if you get a paycheck from a company you don’t...
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Episode 52: How to Seal the Deal, with special guest Tiffany Carter

You can learn how to get anyone to work with you and buy from you consistently. But, you need to have clarity about WHO it is you want working with you…and HOW you need to message yourself in order for those people to...
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Episode 51: What Your Social Media REALLY Says About You with special guest, Jillian Murphy

When it comes to sales, I KNOW you likely have a used car salesman as the sales avatar, right?! Here’s the thing. Sales should NOT feel spammy and awful…it should be a natural process. In today’s episode, I talk with...
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Episode 50: How to Work a Room & Network Like a Pro, with special guest Sarah Gemmell

Networking can either be your jam or something you really try to avoid for a variety of reasons. If you’re like a lot of the clients I work with, you likely haven’t been taught HOW to strategically network. Networking...
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Episode 49: How Confidence in Your Communication = Cash in the Bank with special guest, Nancy Medoff

When it comes to confidence in our conversations and how we communicate with others, there’s a way to effectively do this with kindness yet setting boundaries too.This also includes understanding how to infuse warmth...
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Episode 48: Why You Really Don’t Like Certain Types of Clients (or people in general)

We’ve all had to handle tough clients and team members from time to time, right? Managing tough personalities isn’t something any of us enjoy doing, but if you have an understanding of their triggers and what...
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Episode 47: Leading by Example: How to Communicate with Anyone with special guest, Tracy O’Malley

We all tend to communicate with others the way we want people to communicate with us. The problem is - we all communicate very differently. Leading a team requires understanding and the ability to leverage diverse...
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Episode 46: Your Messages Matter

If you want to close more deals and make more money, understanding the art of connection and relationship building with ANY personality type is mission critical. In today’s podcast, we will dive into the four...
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