Game Changing Conversations

Game Changing Conversations

Hosted by: Heather Lisle

Game changers have something most people don’t…highly effective communication skills that grow existing accounts, close new deals and allows them to work seamlessly with their team. Join Heather Lisle, your...

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Episode 45: The #1 Thing You’re Glossing Over That’s Costing You BIG Money

I’m working with a large accounting firm and was getting ready to present to a group of managing partners about a training series we are piloting.  One of the topics was about how to message yourself in the digital...
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Episode 43: Stop Taking Things So Personal…It’s Impacting Your Results

Have you ever worked with a client or colleague who absolutely cannot take feedback well? You know the type….  You’re working on a project together and when you give recommendations or thoughts to help improve...
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Episode 42: Stop Hiding Behind Compliance & Start Marketing Your Business

Believe me, I’ve talked to MANY professional services providers over the years…accountants, lawyers, commercial mortgage brokers…you name it. One thing that comes up over and over again is this: I work in a highly...
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Episode 41: How To Show Up Like You Own The Place

Have you ever had a closet edit? If you would’ve asked me a few months ago…I wouldn’t have even known what a closet edit is until a new friend, Elisa Ellis with Turnkey Style, attended one of my Chicks in Charge lunch...
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Episode 40: Having a Great Personality Doesn’t Mean People Will Buy From You

If there’s one thing I’ve heard a LOT over my years working as a professional in the communications and marketing space, it’s this: Of course you’re successful - you have “that” kind of personality. I’m the INFLUENCER...
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Episode 39: What To Do If You’re a People-Pleaser

I’m gonna bet that if you’re anything like me, you’ve likely had a people-pleasing phase of your life…or are still in it…or recovering from it. I call myself a recovering people-pleaser because…from time to time, I...
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Episode 38: You May Be A Jerk And Not Even Know It

Have you ever been in a meeting with someone who was loud-mouthed, obnoxious and completely unaware of any and all non-verbal signals coming from absolutely everyone in the room? You sit there…almost feeling...
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Episode 37: If You’re An Extrovert, Here’s How You Need To Message Yourself to Land New Business

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Episode 36: If You’re An Introvert, Here’s How You Need To Message Yourself to Land New Business

If you classify yourself as an introvert, you'll want to listen in this episode! Today I will be talking all about communication strategies, and more specifically the verbal and non verbal cues to effectively identify...
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Episode 35: How to Use LinkedIn to SELL As A Professional Services Provider

If I could give a dollar for every time someone has said that LinkedIn is only for job seekers, I’d be a rich woman…AND all those “someone’s” are wrong. LinkedIn is for job seekers…AND it’s for professionals who truly...
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Episode 34: Using The Same Selling Strategy For EVERYONE Isn’t Working

How many of you detest sales people? You know, the types that just want to “sell you” on something without first finding out if the thing they’re selling is actually something you need or want… UGH. I used to hate car...
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Episode 33: How to Get People to Take You Seriously Guest: Malena Putnam, Founder/Chicks in Charge

You want to be known as the industry leader. You want your voice to be heard at the table. You want to be taken seriously. But…how do you do it? What’s the formula? In today’s episode, I have the pleasure of talking...
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